Object detection
Basic image processing and simple color based object detector
In object detection, one seeks to develop algorithm that identifies a specific object in an image. Here, we'll see how to build a very simple object detector (based on color) using opencv. More sophisticated object detection algorithms are capable of identifying multiple objects in a single image. For example, one can train an object detection model to identify various types of fruits, etc. Later, we'll also see that our object detection model is not exactly perfect. Nevertheless, aim of this notebook is not to build a world-class object detector but to introduce the reader to basic computer vision and image processing.
Let's start by loading some useful libraries
# A popular python library useful for working with arrays
import numpy as np
# opencv library
import cv2
# For image visualization
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#Plots are displayed below the code cell
%matplotlib inline
Let's load and inspect the dimensions of our image. Images are basically a matrix of size heigth*width*color channels.
fruits = cv2.imread('apple_banana.png') # cv2.method loads an image
So, we can see that our image is 1216 by 752 pixels and it has 3 color channels. Next, we'll convert our image into the RGB color channel. RGB color space is an additive color model where we can obtain other colors by a linear combinations of red, green, and blue color. Each of the red, green and blue light levels is encoded as a number in the range from 0 to 255, with 0 denoting zero light and 255 denoting maximum light. To obtain a matrix with values ranging from 0 to 1, we'll divide by 255.
fruits = cv2.cvtColor(fruits, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # cvtColor method to convert an image from one color space to another.
fruits = fruits / 255.0
We can see that our image contains one red apple and one yellow banana. Next, we will build a very basic object detector which can pinpoint apple and banana in our image based on their colors. There are more excellent algorithms out there to do this task but that's for some other time.
We start by creating two new images of the same dimensions as our original image and fill first one with the red color - to detect apple and the second one with the yellow - to detect banana.
apple_red = np.zeros(np.shape(fruits))
banana_yellow = np.zeros(np.shape(fruits))
apple_red[:,:,0] = 1 # set red channel to 1 - index 0 corresponds to red channel
banana_yellow[:,:,0:2] = 1 # set yellow channel to 1 - it can be done by filling red and blue channel with 1
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
Now, we will compare the pixels between our colored and fruits images. One way is to calculate the mean-squared distance as follows:
$$d_{x,y} = \sqrt{\sum_{z = 1}^{3}(R_{xyz} - F_{xyz})^2} $$
where, $d_{xyz}$ is Euclidean distance between pixel values for all 3 color channels in two compared images $R$ and $F$.
To implement this, we will first subtract two matrices from each other, and then take a norm of a vector. This can be easily acheived by numpy's linalg.norm
method (Don't forget to set the axis to 2).
# Subtract matrices
diff_red = fruits - apple_red
diff_yellow = fruits - banana_yellow
# Take norm of both vectors
dist_red = np.linalg.norm(diff_red, axis=2)
dist_yellow = np.linalg.norm(diff_yellow, axis=2)
# Let's plot our matrix with values, the imshow function color-maps them.
# For apple(red) detector
One can see in the plot above that the pixels with the lowest value in the matrice are the pixels that make up the apple (see colorbar for reference). This makes sense as those pixels corresponds to the red-most pixels in the fruits image. Let's also plot the matrice for banana (yellow) detector.
# For banana (yellow) detector
Again we see that the pixels with the lowest value in the matrice are the pixels that make up the banana.
Now in order to pinpoint apple and banana in our fruits image, we need to find the index of the matrix element with the lowest value.
ind_red = np.argmin(dist_red)
print ("red most pixel index= ", ind_red)
ind_yellow = np.argmin(dist_yellow)
print ("yellow most pixel index = ", ind_yellow)
In order to point the location of this index on our fruits image i.e. to pinpoint our object, we need the x,y coordinates of the index. This can be done using the np.unravel_index method.
# We will get the height and width of our fruits image
image = np.shape(fruits)[0:2]
(y_red, x_red) = np.unravel_index(ind_red, image)
(y_yellow, x_yellow) = np.unravel_index(ind_yellow, image)
Finally, it's time to pinpoint our objects ! Let's first pinpoint our apple.
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
# Apple
ax1.scatter(x_red, y_red, c='black', s = 100, marker = 'X')
# Banana
ax2.scatter(x_yellow, y_yellow, c='black', s = 100, marker = 'X')
As you can see, our method correctly pinpoints both objects. Note that this method is not exactly perfect as it is based on colors. If there were some other yellow or red objects in the image, then we cannot really say that our marker will be on the apple or banana any longer.
In my other notebooks on computer vision, you'll find much more sophisticated algorithms to detect objects in images.
Let me know if you have any comments and suggestions. Thanks !